
Forget about cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes forever after heating this on the stove for an hour.

2. Incorporate the brown sugar into the heated water. Pour it into the lower half of the bottle after it has cooled.
Third, incorporate the yeast. You don't have to stir it as it will produce carbon dioxide, which is a mosquito magnet.
4. Like a funnel, insert the top half of the bottle into the bottom half, upside down.
5. Mosquitoes are drawn to dark colors, so wrap the bottle with something black, but be sure to leave the top exposed.
6. Set up the trap in a damp, dark spot.
To get the most out of it, change the answer every two weeks. 7.
This DIY spray prepared with bay leaves and cloves is an excellent natural bug repellent, especially against cockroaches and flies.
What you need:
one to ten bay leaves 1–10
Two to ten cloves
three and a half cups of water
Step 1: Bring a kettle of water to a boil.
2. Boil some water and throw in few bay leaves and cloves.
3. Simmer for up to an hour.
4. Set aside to chill the mixture.
5. Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle after straining.
6 Spritz places where you see signs of bug infestation.
Another effective DIY repellent is an insect repellent spray, which may be applied directly to the skin or to trouble spots to ward off insects.
What you need:
One cup of witch hazel
Second, half a cup of apple cider vinegar
3. Essential oils (eucalyptus, lavender, citronella, etc.)—30–40 drops
1. In a spray bottle, combine all of the ingredients.
Shake vigorously before to every usage.
3. Apply a mist to any exposed flesh or the area you want to shield.

You may make your own all-natural pesticides by following these recipes. Try these do-it-yourself strategies to keep pests at bay without resorting to toxic pesticides.